Věra author

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5 Articles

Author's articles

  • What to eat not only to gain weight, but also to lose weight? What products will help you lose weight at home?
    21 November 2023
  • Maggi's diet - 4-week menu, daily menu, printing table. Indications and contraindications, recipes for egg and cottage cheese diets.
    7 April 2022
  • Losing weight for the lazy is not only a proper diet, but also a minimum set of exercises. More water and fresh air will also benefit your body.
    3 April 2022
  • Ketogenic diet: compliance rules, allowed and forbidden foods, pros and cons, a weekly menu example. Contraindications.
    31 March 2022
  • How to lose weight at home in a month: effective ways and tips, how much you can lose in a month, the rules of proper nutrition without diet, an approximate menu for a week.
    30 March 2022